Hey guys, this is Jonathan with an update on my BTC robot performance after 3 weeks.

If you are new to btc robot, visit this link to find out more about it.

What I did for this week?

First of all, I have topped up my account with an additional US$200 which my brings my total capital investment to US$332.61.

What I learnt this week?

Firstly, you have to re-activate your robot whenever you top it up with money. This can be easily done by dropping an email to the support: support@btcrobot.com.

For people who have the Platinum plan, you can use this email to receive a personalized one on one support: platinum@btcrobot.com

Secondly, when you observe a lack of activity in your member’s area or the btc-e for an extended period of time, you may want to inform the btc robot support team about it.

Thirdly, which settings should I choose? This is a common question that I have been getting lately from a number of people. Here is a simple reasoning behind each setting:

Medium Risk: The robot will perform more short-term trades based on market conditions. As there is a transaction fee of 0.2% for each trade, your profit will be lesser but you will have more trades.

Aggressive: The robot will perform long-term trades based on the general direction of the market. Therefore, there will be fewer trades but each trade will be more profitable.

I will not discuss about conservative because the btc robot development team did not recommend that setting when I received an email from them.

So which is better? Aggressive or Medium Risk? 

Well, I don’t have the answer yet. That explains why I need your help. In fact, I have plans to conduct a case study on this subject over the next 1 or 2 months. However, I will need some capital in order to do that.

Here’s the plan, I will be getting another Platinum robot and let it trade on Aggressive mode. By doing this, I will be able to provide a more thorough analysis on the mode settings to help you be more profitable with your robots.

I will be doing a weekly comparison between the Medium Risk and Aggressive robots. Therefore, if you want to support me in my cause, I hope that you can buy the product from my affiliate link at the end of my btc robot review here. That will give me the necessary funds to carry out this case study and maintain my website to help you and other folks who are keen to learn more about this robot and industry.

Here is a screenshot of my btc robot’s performance this week:

update 3

From the screen shot, you can see that my robot only started trading again on the 9 Sep 2013 because I actually re-installed it after topping up my account.

You can see that I am making a profit of US$11.76 based on my capital investment. If you observe carefully, you will notice that the robot’s performance is actually quite in sync with the general direction of the market. This is more for Medium Risk mode. I do not know whether the same applied to the Aggressive mode.

That is why I have decided to embark on it at a later part of the year so that I can give you a more holistic comparison to find which setting is the best. You can see a lot of trades happening in the member’s area under the Medium Risk setting.

update 3-1

The total amount of money in my account now is US$352.55. If you subtract it with US$332.61, my final profit from the 3 weeks of trading would be US$19.94. This is about 6% return on my total investment which is still pretty good since my robot was deactivated a few times last week. 🙂 This explains why it is vital for you to log in to your member’s area at least once a day to see whether the robot is doing its job.

Now that the robot is working properly for a longer period of time, I believed I will be able to make more money out of it.

Moving on to the BTC-e, you will notice that there were more trades on 11 Sep 2013 compared to other days. This means that the market is very volatile on that day.

update 3-2

That’s all folks. If you have any questions on this robot or btc-e, feel free to drop me a message.

Have you gotten good results from your robot? Please share with me your good news too.

To your bitcoin trading success!




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